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What would you put in a first aid kit for your bird?

We travel a lot with our birds and it's always a worry that they will have an injury whilst we are away, so we created a first aid kit for them. During our research into what should be put in the first aid kit we discovered that Savlon antiseptic cream can be used on birds.

Here is a list of what we have put in our first aid kit

  • Scissors

  • Small syringe

  • Latex Gloves

  • 5" locking forceps

  • Bottle of eye & Skin wash

  • Styptic Powder

  • Sterile Gauze Bandage

  • Iodine Antiseptic Swabs

  • Adhesive Tape

  • Cotton swabs

  • 2" diameter gauze pads

  • Savlon antiseptic cream

  • Hand Wipes

  • Nearest Avian Vet Contact Details

What other items do people have in their first aid kits

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